Friday, June 6, 2008

Getting Started

So far, our time has been filled mostly been parties and exhibits and social events.

Thursday night everyone circulated through a series of parties, big and small. As my friend John Larson and I watched a group of people dance, I felt like I was back in high school, huddled among the masses watching a few people dance and have fun - or seem to.

We spent most of our time at a Mid-Cities Democrats party at a place called Six Lounge. The turnout was good, and there were a few local Tarrant County political candidates there to greet and get to know.

Today, Friday, we all registered and got our credentials, which really didn't take as long as we thought it would. Maybe 45 minutes tops. Since then we've been meeting and greeting other delegates and alternates, and walking the exhibits. I've included a few pictures to give you the flavor.

The real business starts soon, as we gather at 2pm for our first SD12 pre-meeting meeting. Nothing but fun?